What Warranties Are Available For Residential Solar Panels

What Warranties Are Available For Residential Solar Panels

Homeowners righfully ask "What Warranties Are Available For Residential Solar Panels ?"

Residential solar panels are becoming an increasingly popular choice for homeowners seeking to reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills. However, before investing in a solar panel system, it is essential to understand the warranties available.

Warranties provide a level of reassurance that the investment will be protected against defects or failures, providing peace of mind for homeowners wishing to take control of their energy consumption. Several types of warranties are available for residential solar panels, including manufacturer’s warranty, performance warranty, workmanship warranty, installation warranty, and inverter warranty.

Each type of guarantee offers protection against specific issues related to the product’s manufacturing and installation processes. Understanding what these warranties entail can help homeowners make informed decisions about which products they should choose when installing a solar panel system.

Despite the existence of robust warranties, good maintenance is an integral aspect of a residential solar panel system. Warranties can provide protection from defects or failures, but regular maintenance ensures that the system operates at peak efficiency and extends its longevity.

Additionally, good maintenance can help keep the warranties valid. Some warranty terms may require the owner to carry out specific maintenance practices to ensure coverage remains in effect. As such, neglecting these activities could potentially void the warranty, leaving the owner unprotected in the event of a system failure.

Manufacturer's Warranty

The manufacturer’s warranty is important to consider when evaluating the reliability and durability of solar energy systems for home use. This warranty provides coverage against any defects in materials or workmanship that may arise during the specified period.

Typically, most manufacturers offer a 20-25 year warranty on their solar panels, which covers repairing or replacing any faulty components. It is crucial to carefully read the manufacturer’s warranty terms and conditions before purchasing a solar panel system.

The fine print often reveals details about what is covered under the warranty, such as specific defects or damages that are excluded from coverage. Some warranties may also include clauses that limit liability in case of damage caused by natural disasters or other external factors.

When comparing different solar panel brands, it is advisable to pay attention to the length of their manufacturer’s warranty and their reputation for customer service and quality control. A reputable company with a strong track record of producing reliable products and providing excellent after-sales support can give homeowners peace of mind knowing that they have invested in a long-lasting and trouble-free renewable energy solution.

Performance Warranty

Regarding the warranty that guarantees the minimum power output of a solar panel, it is crucial to note that this performance warranty typically lasts for 25 years and provides homeowners with peace of mind.

This type of warranty ensures that the solar panels will produce a certain amount of energy within a specified timeframe. If the panels fail to meet this minimum requirement, then homeowners are entitled to compensation or replacement.

The terms and conditions of performance warranties vary among manufacturers. Some companies offer linear warranties, while others provide flat-rate warranties.

A linear performance warranty guarantees that the panels will produce at least 90% of their rated output in year one and steadily decrease by no more than 0.7-0.9% per year until reaching 80% or less after 25 years. Conversely, a flat-rate performance warranty guarantees a certain percentage (usually around 80%) throughout its lifetime.

It is important for homeowners to review and understand the terms and conditions of their solar panel’s performance warranty before making a purchase decision. They should also ensure they have access to proper monitoring systems that can track energy production data over time, which can help identify any potential issues with their system’s efficiency or output levels early on.

By doing so, homeowners can maximize their investment in solar technology while enjoying long-term benefits such as reduced electricity bills and lower carbon emissions without worrying about unexpected repair costs due to underperformance issues with their solar panel system over time.

Workmanship Warranty

A workmanship warranty is a crucial aspect to consider when evaluating the overall quality of a solar installation, as it guarantees that the installation will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a specific period.

This type of warranty covers any issues resulting from improper installation practices or faulty equipment used during installation.

A typical workmanship warranty usually lasts between 5 and 10 years, but some solar companies offer longer warranties.

The length of the workmanship warranty offered by a solar company is an important factor to consider when choosing which company to install your panels.

It is also essential to understand the warranty and whether it includes labor costs for any necessary repairs or replacements.

Some warranties may only cover materials, leaving you responsible for labor expenses should anything go wrong with your system.

To ensure that you are getting the best possible workmanship warranty, it is vital to choose an experienced and reputable solar installer who uses high-quality equipment and has a proven track record of successful installations.

By selecting a reliable installer and carefully reviewing their offered warranties, you can have peace of mind knowing that your investment in residential solar panels is protected against potential defects or issues arising from improper installation practices or substandard equipment usage.

Installation Warranty

One aspect to consider when evaluating the overall quality of a solar installation is the installation warranty, which guarantees that the installation will be free from defects and issues resulting from improper installation practices or substandard equipment usage. This type of warranty typically lasts for one to two years after the project’s completion date.

During this period, if any issues arise due to improper installation or defective products used by the installer, the homeowner can request repairs at no additional cost. When considering an installation warranty for residential solar panels, it is essential to understand what it covers.

Typically, an installation warranty will cover any damage caused by faulty workmanship during the panel’s initial setup. This would include any problems with wiring connections or mounting hardware that were not installed correctly. Some warranties may also provide coverage for damage caused by severe weather events such as hailstorms or high winds.

To ensure you have adequate coverage under your solar panel system’s installation warranty, it is important to keep in mind these four factors:

  • Check how long the warranty lasts and what it covers
  • Understand what specific components are covered under the policy
  • Ensure that you understand how to file a claim and what documentation is required
  • Research customer reviews about warranties offered by different installers

By doing so, homeowners can ensure they have proper protection against potential issues with their solar panel system and ultimately reduce stress related to unexpected repair costs down the line.

Inverter Warranty

The inverter warranty is another crucial aspect to consider when evaluating the overall quality of a solar installation and ensuring adequate protection against potential issues. The inverter is responsible for converting the direct current (DC) electricity generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity that can be used by household appliances. As such, it plays a critical role in the functioning of a solar system, and any malfunction or failure can result in significant energy loss.

Inverter warranties typically range from 5 to 25 years, with some manufacturers offering extended warranties for an additional fee. It is important to carefully review the terms and conditions of the warranty before making a purchase decision, as they may vary significantly between manufacturers. Some key factors to consider include whether labor costs are covered, what types of defects are covered, and whether coverage exclusions or limitations exist.

Table: Inverter Warranty Comparison


Warranty Length

| Labor Costs Covered?

Types of Defects Covered






12 years


Manufacturing defects


10-25 years


Manufacturing defects


Overall, selecting an inverter with a strong warranty can provide peace of mind and ensure that any potential issues will be addressed promptly and efficiently. By carefully reviewing the terms and conditions of different warranties, homeowners can make informed decisions about which products offer the best value for their needs.


Solar panels have become increasingly popular in residential buildings due to their environmental and financial benefits. However, solar panels are not immune to damage or failure like any other equipment. To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of solar panel systems, warranties play a crucial role in providing homeowners with peace of mind.

The types of warranties available for residential solar panels include: – Manufacturer’s warranty – Performance warranty – Workmanship warranty – Installation warranty – Inverter warranty.

Each type serves a specific purpose in ensuring the quality and efficiency of solar panel systems over time. Additionally, it is essential to thoroughly review the terms and conditions of each warranty before making a purchase decision, as they may vary depending on manufacturers.

Understanding the different warranties available for residential solar panels is critical in making informed decisions when investing in sustainable energy solutions for homes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I transfer my solar panel warranty to a new homeowner if I sell my home?

When selling a home equipped with solar panels, the transferability of the panel warranty to the new homeowner is a crucial consideration.

The ability to transfer warranties differs among manufacturers and may depend on whether the warranty is on the equipment, labor, or both.

Some manufacturers allow for a transferable warranty, while others require an additional fee or may not allow it at all.

It is important to check with your manufacturer and read through your warranty carefully before making any assumptions about its transferability.

Failing to do so could result in unwanted surprises down the road.

Solar panels are designed to withstand various weather conditions, including severe storms and extreme temperatures. However, in some cases, solar panels may sustain damage due to unpredictable natural disasters like hurricanes or tornadoes.

In such instances, homeowners may be eligible for warranties that cover damages incurred by the weather. These warranties are weather-related warranties and generally cover physical damages caused by hailstorms, windstorms, and other natural disasters.

It is important for homeowners to carefully review their warranty terms and conditions to determine if they qualify for any coverage related to severe weather conditions.

The warranties offered for residential solar panels vary depending on the manufacturer and installer but typically cover both individual panel defects and complete system failure.

Some manufacturers offer product warranties that range from 10 to 25 years, while others provide performance guarantees for up to 30 years.

These warranties generally cover the cost of replacing any faulty or damaged components, including individual solar panels.

However, homeowners should carefully review the terms and conditions of their warranty to understand what is covered and what is excluded.

It’s also important to note that some warranties may be voided if the solar panels are not installed or maintained properly.

Solar panel warranties typically cover defects in materials and workmanship and potential performance issues.

However, it is important to note that most warranties do not cover maintenance or cleaning of the panels.

The responsibility for upkeep falls on the owner, which includes regular cleaning to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the system.

Some manufacturers may offer additional warranties for an additional cost that covers maintenance and repairs, but this varies between companies.

As with any warranty, it is vital to read the terms and conditions carefully to fully understand what is covered and what isn’t before making a purchase decision.

In the solar panel industry, it is not uncommon for manufacturers to go out of business. This raises concerns about the validity of warranties offered by those manufacturers.

However, many solar panel warranties are backed by third-party insurance companies or extended through independent service providers. In such cases, even if the manufacturer goes out of business, the warranty remains valid as long as it is covered by these entities.

It is important for homeowners to carefully review their warranty agreements and understand who is providing coverage in case of a manufacturer’s bankruptcy or closure. By doing so, they can ensure that their investment in solar panels remains protected and provides long-term benefits for their energy needs.
